Middle School Meth Education
Prairie View has partnered with DSS to make our Middle School Meth Prevention/Education Curriculum available to all South Dakota Schools.
The program is designed to allow teachers to present the materials and PowerPoint with minimal training and NO COST to the schools. The Department of Social Services is covering the cost.
The curriculum has been mapped to the 2020 SD Education Health Standards and meets all requirements.
Teachers can be trained via zoom meetings and learn how to present the materials and answer student questions. The materials can be used in a variety of classrooms other than Health, it can be used in Language Arts, Art, and a number of other subjects.
Included are the PowerPoint, workbook, student materials and access to online survey data collection. We also provide a newsletter to parents touching on a number of Meth related issues. Schools are encouraged to use the newsletters to help parents better understand what meth issue.
We can provide the program via flash drive or Google Docs.
Call Tracey for more information – 605-331-5724