Contact Us

Office Hours

Regular business hours are Monday Through Friday 8:00 to 5:00. Summer hours begin June 1st 8:00 to 4:00 and usually end in early August. Staff members are on call and available for emergencies. 



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Connect With Us

Prairie View Prevention Services, Inc.
822 E 41st St 822

Suite 235
Sioux Falls, SD 57105


Fax: 605 331-5725


Phone: 605 331-5724


Or use our contact form.

Cleaning Methods

Most cleanups of Meth labs will require one or more of the following methods:

Removal: Furnishings, draperies, carpeting, paneling, wallpaper, etc., that evaluators believe cannot be cleaned using other methods must be disposed of according to the type and degree of contamination.  Some materials may not be suitable for landfill disposal but must be disposed of by a licensed contractor.

Ventilation: When solvents and other chemicals that may have soaked into the walls are slowly vaporizing indoors, ventilation may reduce contamination and decrease odors.

Neutralization: Where acids or bases have been used, the potential for harmful effects may be reduced or removed through neutralization.  Acids may be neutralized with solutions of sodium bicarbonate (baking soda), and weakly acidic solutions of vinegar or acetic acid in water may neutralize bases.

Detergent-Water Washing: Some nonporous and semi-porous surfaces, such as floors, tiles, walls and ceilings, can be scrubbed with detergent and water solutions.

Encapsulation or Sealing: Contamination may be covered with layers of oil-based paint, polyurethane or other materials.

It is important to keep in mind that the type(s) of cleaning necessary depends on a variety of factors.  What may be appropriate in one situation will not be acceptable in the next.