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Regular business hours are Monday Through Friday 8:00 to 5:00. Summer hours begin June 1st 8:00 to 4:00 and usually end in early August. Staff members are on call and available for emergencies. 



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Connect With Us

Prairie View Prevention Services, Inc.
822 E 41st St 822

Suite 235
Sioux Falls, SD 57105


Fax: 605 331-5725


Phone: 605 331-5724


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Iktomi Turns Into Meth                (A true story)

Iktomi is a trickster and shift changer. 
He has taken on a new face of the enemy – Meth.

There was a Dakota woman who cared for three children by herself.  She was overwhelmed with her work, family and financial problems.  Everyday, she struggled and her heart was sad. 

The trickster Iktomi shift-changed into the enemy face of the killer-drug Meth.  Iktomi convinced the Dakota mother that Meth could help her work all day and night, be happier, smarter and provide better care for her family.

The Dakota woman used Meth every day; soon the drug took over her life.  She became paranoid and thought her children were trying to kill her and locked herself in her closet for three days.  Her sister finally broke in, wrestled her to the ground and tied her up; the mother was sent to treatment.

The mother was very sad and ill.  She said that if one of her children had tried to get her out of the closet, she would have killed them.

Long ago, our Akicita [Dakota soldiers] kept watch for enemies who would raid our camps and harm our families.  Now the face of the enemy has changed to drugs and alcohol.  The Creator gave the Dakota the Red Road to see the real face of Iktomi as the enemy Meth.  The woman asked for help and the Creator gave her wisdom and knowledge on the dangers of Meth.  She beat her drug addiction and sent Meth away from her life, children and her home.

This is a true story.